you-want-me-to-eat-that Elaina-Love

You Want Me To Eat That?

Many people I speak with say they find it hard to be in a relationship with a man or woman who is not eating the same as them. In this blog, I will share with you some ways I have found that you can stay happily partnered while enjoying your own autonomy around food.

Making Eating Well Easy

I know that sometimes the biggest hurdle to overcome in changing to a healthier diet is how to find the time to prepare fresh food. Here are some tips that may make eating healthy easier:

Are You Feeling Hot, Fat, Bloated, Lackluster, or Just Plain Tired?

If so, then you may want to consider doing a short or long fast on juices. Summer is the perfect time for fasting since it is hot and usually our appetites are not quite so strong. A bonus to fasting during the summer (or anytime) is that it reduces all inflammation in the body. So if you feel puffy, itchy, cranky, have eczema or any other skin condition or any ailment for that matter, fasting will clean out your body so you can feel fresh and new again!

fasting-freedom elaina-love

Fasting For Freedom

Summer is the perfect time in Arizona to fast. As the temperature climbs above the 100s, food sounds less and less appealing. Fasting on juice is awesome for 3 reasons: 1. You can have all the juice you want without feeling heavy or tired. 2. You stay cool as your body does not heat up from the energy required for digestion. 3. The most important for me: A sense of peace, freedom and Pure Joy! Today is day 3 of juices.

Green Juice, Coffee, and Travel

I keep teasing my partner Chris that I’m going to start a website called coffee and green I even have a song that I sing with a Jamaican accent when I happily dance around the kitchen with my juice in one hand and coffee in the other. Here is my thought process on this whole yin-yang balance thing: Green juice is highly alkalizing for the body and makes me feel super happy, joyful and high. Coffee is highly acidic for the body but also makes me feel super happy, warm, comforted and I get lots of stuff done. Both seem good to me.

Life After Fasting (Video)

I broke my feast/fast on my earthday birthday. Wow!!!! I feel amazing. It’s so great to have my body back. I’ve been running again the past 2 mornings and feel fantastic! What a ride. 🙂

How Does Food Affect Your Fitness Routine?

I’ve been training for a marathon for almost a month now. My body is getting stronger and more muscular by the day (cool!), and I am actually starting to eat less! I think it’s because I’m really putting thought into what goes in as it will show up at the workout tomorrow with me. On days that I have eaten too late at night or too many fats (Hello avocados, olives, pumpkin seed oil, and almonds) my legs feel like lead and my breathing is labored from the start.

Are Sugar and Gluten Killing You?

This might seem like a heavy topic for a Friday, but I feel it is really important to look at. If you really want to heal your body take a look and see if this applies for you. Eliminate Gluten and sugar from your diet to realize many health benefits.