7 Ways to Say YES to Raw Food This Month

With all of the colds, flu, viruses, stress-induced sleep disorders, hormone imbalance and low energy that people experience this time of year, our nutrition really matters! If you want to stay healthy, you need to be eating organic, plant-based, enzyme rich, alkalizing foods now more than ever!

How to set you Goals to Get and Stay Fit Once and For All!

Have you ever wondered how you can actually have long-term success at changing your diet and fitness routine? The answer is: Make it a way of life, not just a diet or quick fix to solve a problem. It’s great to do a one-week fitness camp that’s really hard and kicks your butt, but as great as it is in the moment, it will not create lasting success. Success in anything lies in persistence.

6 easy tips to merge raw and cooked food

Pure Joy Planet was created from a passion for sharing the amazing healing benefits of raw, unprocessed foods. Raw foods have been our heart and soul for almost 20 years, and recently my team and I have begun to ask , “Is raw food still relevant? Are people still interested in raw food in 2016?” Buzz words like ”Plant-Based” seem to be the new “Raw” and are popping up everywhere.

10 Steps to eliminate Sugar from your diet

Sugar is a hidden ingredient in many foods you may never have known even contained sugar. Did you know sugar is in many seasonings and condiments you use daily? From ketchup to pickles, even savory foods are not exempt. Now more than ever, we are being bombarded by sugar in almost everything we consume. High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) is even worse than sugar and is being used in cereals and many products on the grocery shelves.

How to Eat a Healthy Plant-Based Diet

Eating foods that are organic, locally grown, plant-based, and 80% raw can increase your lifespan and your quality of living. People who eat high raw, plant-based diets experience stronger bone density, age less quickly (reduce wrinkles, hair loss and even eye health), get sick less often, and are able to reduce the risk of getting a long list of common ailments such as diabetes, depression, overweight, lethargy, fatigue, arthritis, and even cancer. So let me help you get healthy!

How to De-Junk Your Kitchen

Are you ready to upgrade your health but don’t know where to start? The best place to start is in your kitchen. Let’s go on a little tour together. Start by opening your kitchen cupboards. What’s the first thing you see? Half-eaten chip bags, cereal boxes, and stacks of canned goods? Don’t worry, you are not alone, and I have some super easy solutions for you. Let’s do this together!

Being Less than Perfect is Perfect!

This week, I’ve had a lot of opportunities to practice better habits with my eating. I am probably getting this “opportunity” to practice because I am blogging about mindfulness this month. Thich Nhat Hanh says that if you ask for more patience, God does not grant you patience but circumstances for you to learn more patience. To me it feels like walking through mud with loose shoes on, but I think he’s right!

Do You Need To Go Gluten Free?

Have you wondered what all the hype is about gluten-free foods? Is it just for people with Celiac disease, a way to sell books or just trendy? Turns out, there is science behind this food craze, and people are getting amazing results from quitting their daily habit of bread, pasta, and muffins.

Trending Now: Quick and Easy Green Juice

One thing I hear over and over again from friends, co-workers, and students is that once they started drinking green juice, their lives changed for the better. I hear things like, “I just don’t feel right if I don’t have my green juice every day.” Or “I can get away with not eating super healthy as long as I drink a green juice most days.” Or “It’s the best hangover cure I’ve found!” Personally, drinking 1 to 2 pints of green juice in the morning keeps me feeling nourished, hydrated and mentally sharp. Yes, it’s that amazing!

How Green Juice Can Take You From 0 to 60 In Seconds

One thing I hear over and over again from friends, co-workers, and students is that once they started drinking green juice, their lives changed for the better. I hear things like, “I just don’t feel right if I don’t have my green juice every day.” Or “I can get away with not eating super healthy as long as I drink a green juice most days.” Or “It’s the best hangover cure I’ve found!” Personally, drinking 1 to 2 pints of green juice in the morning keeps me feeling nourished, hydrated and mentally sharp. Yes, it’s that amazing!