For or Against?

In the personal development arena, victim thinking is a major issue. So many of us can’t help feeling that the whole world is against is. And, of course, if that’s what’s in our heads so the universal law of attraction applies, and we bring that very situation to us. All classic justifications for positive thinking. But is it as simple as that? Can we just switch our thoughts to more constructive ones?


There is little doubt that we live in interesting and many would say, troubled, times. Across the globe we’re seeing more terrorist attacks, or at least more reported ones, spanning a spectrum of isolated individuals with mental health issues to highly planned attack by an extremist group. Then we have the Americans nominating Donald Trump as a presidential candidate and the British voting to leave the EU: neither of which were in any way predicted 12 months ago. What’s going on! Are these developments, puzzling and worrying to many, a sign of some underlying trend, a Zeitgeist?

Beyond Peace

I woke up this morning feeling uneasy, which is strange as I went to bed feeling peaceful. I’d had a good day and been able to resolve a couple of issues that had been bugging me. But this morning that good feeling had evaporated . . . as a deeper sense of uncertainty began to surface. In today’s world, it seems, there’s always something to unsettle us.

It’s Time to Use Our Minds Differently

Are you tired of ‘business as usual’? Have you had enough of the same old ways of thinking and behaving that seems to make us all unhappy and unhealthy? If so, you are not alone! A growing number are committing to a process of ‘un-thinking’, of letting go old mental attachments and allowing; of using our innate wisdom, body-knowing and ways of knowing beyond the rational.

The Tao Today

The ancient wisdom of the Tao Te Ching is much respected and is as valuable today as it was in the days of Confucius. But what does in mean in practice? How relevant is it in today’s world? And how can we grasp its essence and apply it in the hustle and bustle of our daily lives? Gary & Keith share their insights and experiences based on many years of study and parallel journeys on their life’s evolving and unfolding path.parallel journeys on their life’s evolving and unfolding path.

Video blog by Dr. Keith Beasley – Reiki is for you!

What does the real you need? It needs to be heard! The trouble is, our inner voice is so often buried beneath doubts and fears or swamped by justifications and reasoning, usually trying to maintain things as they are . . because that’s what we’re comfortable with!

Which Is Best, an Empty Mind or a Full Mind?

In most human societies and cultures, the predominant belief is that the more facts, theories and ideas we can pack into our heads the better. Data, knowledge, information: whatever label you want to use, ‘the more the better’. Or so the theory goes.

Is A Change As Good As A Rest?

Is this an expression you were brought up on? Do you believe it? In this blog I’ll be unpacking it a bit and helping you to better understand your real rest needs . . . and shed some light on some conditioning that might be getting in the way.

How ‘Spiritual Business’ Is Far from Being a Contradiction?

An increasing number who have been pioneering ethical businesses, Fair Trade and other such initiatives over recent decades would probably not want to be associated with many conventional business practices. Thanks to them it’s comparatively common now to eat out on locally sourced ingredients.

Listen To Your Body!

It’s all to do with side-stepping the rational mind with its theories and beliefs, and rising above our emotional mind, which all too often reacts through fear. Tuning into our bodies requires connecting into a deep part of us: that bit that really knows what we need . . . at all levels!