Jeff-Agostinell BodyMind Performance-Interview Easing-Into-Change

BodyMind Performance Webinar with Jeff Agostinelli on Easing Into Change With Grace

You CAN experience change with grace, ease and success! Creating change in any area of your life can often seem like a daunting task. With all the different approaches, techniques, and modalities, how do you know what’s right for you. Jeff Agostinelli is a life strategist with 10 plus years experience working with people to help them take control of their life, business, and health.

BodyMind Performance Webinar with Dr Anna Esparham on Integrative Medicine

As a passionate educator, Dr Espahram uses all of the models of ancient to modern medicine and nutrition to guide her patients to simple steps that lead to a wholistic living approach. In this webinar Dr. Esparham takes us down the most important tracks which will open up a new vision for taking action in your own life, and in the lives you are taking care of (as parents), and guiding (as trainers, coaches and wellness care professionals).